IM Quotes

Posted: June 19th, 2004 | No Comments »

This end of the week instant messaging quotes taken from my geeky discussions:

- EJB?? you do EJBs? I thought only monks in remote monastaries where doing EJBs…
- the only justification for EJB is distributed transactions (and i dont even know what that is …)
- dont mke me eat the elephant again.
- we should think about the canvas bots !
- Do you have to deal with ayatollahs?
- Software engineering is not a monolitic religion
- Haas makes football accessible
- no. it’s apple-expensive
- doesn’t bluetooth give cancer?
- too smart programming is dangerous you know
- Btw. I am working on win98 since the scanners only work with 98
- im not sure if rotten balls are my understanding of a win-situation

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