CAIF Outputs
Posted: June 27th, 2005 | No Comments »Different outputs from the Collaborative Artefacts Interactive Furniture (CAIF) workshop in Chateau d’Oex
Nicolas Nova presented CatchBob!:
Mauro Cherubini presented ShoutSpace:
Patrick Jermann used our non-pretencious informative art viz of portal usage to talk about group mirroring:
I was in the “3rd Places” group that came up with the idea of “Venting machine”
Nicolas Nova blogged about it “Venting machines instead of vending machines”
The workshop booklet by Mauro Cherubini
SubEthaEdit collaborative notes are online
People met:
- Edith K. Ackermann, children playgrounds, and playthings
- Jan Borchers, ubicomp, post-desktop UIs, HCI desgin patterns, (A Pattern Approach to Interaction Design)
- Birgitta Cappelen, unfoldnings
- Dana Cho, IDEO‘shuman centered design process (very marketing oriented)
- Régine Debatty, we make money not art
- Christophe Guignard, ECAL, digital media and physical space, mobility and working space,
- Jeffrey Huang, architecture, digital media and information technology at Harvard (and at EPFL in 2006)
Frédéric Kaplan, autonomous objects for everyday use, learning robots - Jean-Baptiste Labrune, Interactive design and children
- Saadi Lahlou, augmented environments, impacts of environment changes on activity in officies, head of the Laboratory of Design for Cognition at EDF, co-founder of the RUFAE
- Stefano Mastrogiacomo, information architect
- Mark Meagher, integration of software into the architectural setting as a means of enhancing collaboration
- Chris O’Shea, digital artist and interactive designer. He carries an open source research paltform for audio visual performance using tangible interfaces
- Scott Minneman, mechanical engineering and architecture background. Interdisciplinary design and physicality of everyday design work at Onomy Labs, Inc
- Thorsten Prante, fresh doctor, context-aware computing, ubicomp, ambiant computing
- Ibars Roger, design of daily devices having self-reflection experiences of their functions (blog)
- Peggy Thoeny, social interacction within the public space
- Kevin Walker, London Knowledg Lab, ambient and ubiquitous learning. He developped a titling table to fly over San Francisco