Automatically Launch a MIDlet

Posted: July 8th, 2005 | 5 Comments »

2 articles explaining how to automatically start a MIDlet by using the Push Registry

- How can a MIDlet be launched automatically?
- The MIDP 2.0 Push Registry

Thanks Arvind Gupta for the tip!

5 Comments on “Automatically Launch a MIDlet”

  1. 1 Amr AL-Hossary said at 11:11 am on August 10th, 2005:

    Thank you very much, Arvind Gupta

    you helped me so much in my project

  2. 2 ashish said at 7:45 am on February 10th, 2006:

    i have tried using Pushregistry.registerAlarm() to invoke the midlet at a specified time but the midlet doesn’t get invoke .
    if anyone have a working code for it please let me know

  3. 3 Bradley said at 12:00 pm on May 15th, 2006:

    What if you don’t want to launch the java midlet on boot, but dynamically from a symbian app? How do I do this?

  4. 4 Salman said at 6:16 am on July 15th, 2006:

    i have tried using Pushregistry.registerAlarm() to invoke the midlet at a specified time but the midlet doesn’t get invoke .

    did u check MIDlet in your Phone ?? if yes let me know

  5. 5 prakash said at 10:17 am on May 2nd, 2007:


    First you want to register your push registry connection for auto start like this

    PushRegistry.registerConnection(“autostart://:”, “your midlet name”, “*”);
    now your midlet starts on every phone boot up but sony ericsson phones(from jp 7) only support this (“autostart://:) ” method .