Posted: November 9th, 2005 | 1 Comment »

February 2-3 2006, I’ll attend LIFT06 in Geneva. LIFT is a conference about new technologies and people organized by Laurent Haug and Nicolas Nova. These two guys, both from the country where the Minitel was born, have done an amazing work gathering a nice set of brains to hear from and meet.

Keynote will be done by BoingBoing’s Cory Doctorow. I also expect to be well lectured by Avenir Suisse’s Xavier Comtesse (Internet and the ordinary people’s revolution), Marc Besson (Identity Revolution), Stefana Broadbent (The specialization of communication channels), Marc Laperrouza (Can China really control the Internet?), Pierre Carde (Managing clusters of creative companies), Thomas Madsen-Mygdal (10 things i’ve learned about creation), Euan Semple (Working In A Wired World), and hopefully some other last-minutes surprises.

Link Lift.

No doubt, there will also be appropriate moments to get into in-depth discussions about the “fourth places“.

One Comment on “LIFT06”

  1. 1 nicolas said at 7:46 pm on November 9th, 2005:

    I hope some folks will talk about the lovely minitel thing at Lift!