Wireless Connectivity in Mass Transit System

Posted: December 8th, 2005 | No Comments »

While reading Underground, but not unconnected — BART offers wireless service to riders I found funny that the reasons to get wireless connectivity in transit systems are:

  • (My food) phone in a pizza order on their way home.
  • (My safety)What if there was a disaster? It’s a safety issue
  • (My work) “I wish it could work everywhere I go,” he said. “Even underwater, swimming. “

Cons are:

  • (Social) No more ‘I’m sorry, I can’t talk, I’m on BART,’ ‘
  • (Social) Worry about loudmouthed louts shouting into their cell phones to be heard over the train noise.

Or the future of wireless in mass transit systems is this?:

“I’d like to see cellular availability every place,” she said. “Would I use it? I don’t think I’ve used my cell phone on BART ever.”

Somehow it is like the beach in the Bay Area… it is nice that it is there, but you rarely enjoy it.