Data Communication and Mobility

Posted: February 24th, 2006 | 1 Comment »

A survey conducted at 3GSM by Tatara Systems found once again that the industry does not drink its own Kool Aid and actually use the services it promotes. For example only 24% of people surveyed at the show use their mobile phone to browse the internet. Nearly 93% of respondents use other networks beyond cellular mobile data with 43% citing the need for higher performance, 30% stating coverage issues, and 20% saying cellular mobile data was too expensive as the reasons for selecting other networks for sessions. Source: Stats & Research: 3GSM Visitors Low Users Of Mobile Data

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Relation to my thesis: Data communication while mobile is still marginal among practitioners. Lack of bandwidth, coverage, good prices or/and lack of real need?

One Comment on “Data Communication and Mobility”

  1. 1 said at 3:10 pm on February 28th, 2006:

    Le haut dbit mobile, c’est pas encore a

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