The Geospatial Web, State of the Art and Implications on Web Search

Posted: June 28th, 2006 | 2 Comments »

For my doctoral school course on Information Retrieval taught by Ricardo Baeza-Yates, I wrote a paper on the geospatial web entitled:

The Geospatial Web, State of the Art and Implications on Web Search

Abstract. The world-wide web has become virtually ubiquitous. We assume we can learn anything about everything. Moving towards a post-PC era filled with mobile services, massively radio-frequency identifiable objects and wide wireless network coverage we expect the web to be everywhere. Indeed, the physical world is being tagged with location-coordinates and accessible for the asking on the web. This combination of digitalized physical information with web-wide hypermedia (web pages, video, audio, …) has been coined as the Geospatial web. “What is that monument?” and “where is my dog?” belong to the new set of “geo-localized” search queries. This paper covers the state of the art of the geospatial web and discusses the implications on web searching.

2 Comments on “The Geospatial Web, State of the Art and Implications on Web Search”

  1. 1 ml said at 7:40 pm on June 28th, 2006:

    Can we download the full text??

    (Sorr, but havent found it.. ;)

  2. 2 7.5th Floor » Blog Archive » Representing Spatio-Temporal Traces said at 10:26 pm on October 7th, 2007:

    [...] in Travel Surveys for a survey). Now, the accessibility to affordable wireless sensors and the emergence of the geospatial web are generating new types of “digital footprints” left by people in space though [...]