Talk at Arteleku

Posted: August 22nd, 2009 | No Comments »

In the talk “Considerations on the recorded, quantified, communicated and apprised self” given at the workshop Information Kinetics: Egoviz, I present my experiences in working with the increasing amount of stored (and circulating) information about people, and their local environments. I intended to draw a few considerations to provoke and encourage the participants who have been developing some pretty exciting projects that explored the visualisation of the relationship between the individual and the environment. With a few examples, I highlighted the fact that current visualizations are used to engage the discussions rather than solving issues. Going beyond revealing the invisible is the next step that must include imperfection as an ingredient embedded in the solution. This imperfect mirror to reality challenges the rhetoric that describes the development of information kinetics as element of an emerging panopticon. Instead, I discussed the notion of the oligopticons that are “partially intelligent, temporarily competent and locally complete. The slides with notes are online.

Engaged with the near future of egooviz at Arteleku

Why do I blog this: It is always extremely stimulating to confront my work in an art center. I was particularly surprised by the maturity of the rhetoric participants use to describe their work. Some non-technologists now master Processing and its capabilities. Those are tangible signs of the emergence of groups of data scientists/artists with multidisciplinary practises and overlapping roles. Thanks to Kepa for the inviation!