Optimization techniques
An introduction to mathematical optimization can be found in [Computational Science Education Project, 1995]. A reading list about combinatorial optimization is located in [Borchers, 1994]. A good method for combinatorial optimization, simulated annealing, is reviewed in [Larrhoven and Aarts, 1988][Ingber, 1995][Ingber, 1993][Ingber, 1989]. Evolutionary computation strategies can also be used for optimization; some relevant documents are [Goldberg, 1994][Soucek et al., 1992][Bäck et al., 1991][Bramlette, 1991]. A comparative study between simulated annealing and evolution strategy is presented in [Groot et al., 1990]. Various approaches to large-scale optimization are presented in [Coleman, 1991][Conn et al., 1994][Karmat, 1993]. Of related interest are [Gent and Walsh, 1993][Minton et al., 1994]. Other classical algorithms are described in [Sedgewick, 1989][Press et al., 1994]. A guide to optimization software can be found in [Moré and Wright, 1993].
Cyberspace geography visualization - 15 October 1995

Luc Girardin, The Graduate Institute of International Studies