Posted: May 14th, 2003 | No Comments »
L’arcticle “Van Damme, un verbe très structuré” afflue dans mon sens en affirmant que même si le fond des pensées de Jean-Claude Van Damme est risible, son parlé et sa façon de communiquer sont tout à fait XXIème siècle. Le sémiologue Hugues de Chanay, maître de conférences à l’université de Lyon-II, à décortiquer, pour Libération, le phénomène Van Damme. Pour les gens qui comme moi pratiquent un certain niveau de JCVDisme, Il y a plutôt de quoi se réjouir. Morceaux choisis:
Son méli-mélo est significatif d’un dynamisme, d’une modernité, voire d’une avant-garde : l’anglais est «hype». Pas de quoi fouetter un cat
… Il vient souvent doubler le français : «A l’intérieur de soi-même, deep inside.» Van Damme se place ainsi en «posture internationale», abolissant les frontières : le français et l’anglais semblent parfois une seule et même grande langue
il conserve une élocution typiquement française («j’suis v’nu») et des pointes d’accent belge : il ne se revendique pas comme anglophone, ce n’est pas Jane Birkin. Il y a un effet de décalage ; c’est le moins qu’on puisse dire
ce qu’on essaie de faire passer pour de la déficience linguistique est au contraire un langage très structuré
La maîtrise gestuelle de JCVD (maître ès arts martiaux) lui permet une économie de marqueurs verbaux
Posted: May 14th, 2003 | No Comments »
Nico’s bigger office in the CRAFT at the EPFL made his blog blossom (or is it because he does not have to half-install useless zip drives and change the printers’ tonner?). Anyway, icon’s blog is not to miss to follow the fields of mobile technologies, collaborative and awerness tools with a “grosse boule” and “pierre la police” spin.

Nico at our “boum” on Tuesday
Posted: May 14th, 2003 | No Comments »
Jini‘s trendsetters and early adopters are there waiting for the cool followers to show up!
Once every 6 months there seems to be a hype about Jini. Since its release in 1999, Jini must be one of Sun’s worst marketed product, but the marketing people at Menlo Park, Cal do not lose hope to find a niche for this very cool technology. In a few words Jini allows to spread java services over a network (on both software and hardware) and allows Java code to be mobile (since it is based on RMI). My very good friend Pascal Betz and I had a lot of fun using Jini on our Negotiator Project (Negotiating Agent Development Kit) back in the good old days.
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Posted: May 14th, 2003 | No Comments »
As part of the PEPC2003, Christoph Graph, head of the Security department at SWITCH (Swiss Education and Reaseach Network) presented a cross-organisational inftrastructure offering Authentication and Authorisation (AA). This project is part of the developments done on on e-Academia of the Swiss Virtual Campus.
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Posted: May 12th, 2003 | No Comments »
I have done my bit of reading about weblogs and knowledge management (so-called klogs).
Klogging and KM
Could Blogging Assist KM?: Knowledge Management offers the possibility of allowing organizations to tap into not just the documents they’ve created, but the expertise of their employees, past and present. Weblogging is interesting because it is a fairly non-intrusive way of allowing workers to share the process by which they seek, analysis, and select information.
Klogging vs. the 11 Deadly KM Sins: Klogging puts knowledge in context. Expose the experience of applying knowledge by klogging your After Action Reviews
Klogging and value on the job market
Klogging and cyclical employment: 1. Blogs are the post-it notes of KM: Easy, fast, simple. So they are used and useful. 2. Better handoffs: You want to hand-off a process to the new guy? Point to the chronology in your weblog. 3. Smoother coworking: Joint blogging works too. Examples abound. 4. Lower stress: Blogs become your backup brain. Don’t worry about it; just blog it
The Staffing Value of Klogs: So at least an 10 times more information lives in your weblog than your résumé
A good starting point to get information on klogs is Knowledge weblogs, knowledge management, learning organizations, and other practices to reduce collective idiocy
Posted: May 8th, 2003 | No Comments »
Today, the world’s first Shoutblog (as checked on Google, there is 0 entry for “shoutblog“) was installed on this blog. I developped it last night with the slim Perl knowledge I have left in direct brain memory access. The Shoutblog was inspired by the Andrew Ooi’s PostNuke Shoutbox and from the experience of its use on the Tecfaseed portal. A Shoutblog is shared among members of a weblog community. It allows webblog writers and readers to post little blurbs. “It is a blogwall where everybody can blogtag anything”. It is great to bring members of a blog community together. The Shoutblog can be the first of a set of awerness/collaborative tools for weblogs. Improvements still need to be done:
Automatic hyperlinks to open in a new window
Shouter’s identification or authentication
Limited number of lines
Private/public shouts
Shoutblog – MOO’s paging system bridge?
Posted: May 7th, 2003 | 1 Comment »
Version 2.0 of the JXTA platform infrastructure and protocols for Java 2 SE was made available in March of this year. The Programmers Guide for JXTA and the Companion Tutorial Programs have now been updated. I have been following JXTA since my Sponteneous Environment for Collaboration (SEC) project. Back then, the reliability of JXTA was questionable. Bernard Traversat and Mohamed Abdelaziz explain the improvements for JXTA 2.0 and other issues of the platforms and protocols.
Latest news on the JXTA Project.
Posted: May 5th, 2003 | No Comments »
Pictures of my weekend in Chatons, a shelter at 1800m in the french alps (close to the Ecrins National Park), are on the pipinos web site. Thanks Steph!