Maps and Cartograms of the US Presidential Election

Posted: November 25th, 2004 | No Comments »

Some very nice election result maps which adjust the size of the states due to population. Maps and cartograms of the 2004 US presidential election results.

Image with Transparent Color in Java

Posted: November 23rd, 2004 | No Comments »

A simple class to give transparent backgrounds to images in Java graphics. Make a color transparent.

BlogStreet with Visual Neighborhood

Posted: November 23rd, 2004 | No Comments »

Blogstreet just launched a new tool that uses Java to let you view your Blogstreet “neighborhood” and click on your neighbors to expand and see their neighborhoods. Most probably uses TouchGraph.

Academic/Technical Divide in Social Computing

Posted: November 23rd, 2004 | No Comments »

A rant about the division between the academic and technical world in social computing. On the academic/technical divide in social computing:

“The two communities—developers at ETCon and academic researchers as CSCW—are interested in very much the same things, but they’re both quite sure that the “other” group either won’t understand them or won’t care about their views. So they operate in parallel with few points of intersection, duplicating efforts and losing valuable inputs into their work.”

with a clear view on the use of a blog:
“Blogs are not only personal diaries—that they’re also powerful tools for information sharing, knowledge management, and social/professional network development.”

Classroom tech-etiquette

Posted: November 23rd, 2004 | No Comments »

Cheap thoughts on franglish about the tech-etiquette in the classroom, since I had to report on it today…

The tech-etiquette: Along with the technology comes a new set of rules, both written and unwritten, for decent behavior. Now, a classroomm etiquette should also include a tech-etiquette.

Le manque de tech-etiquette s’accrue dans le monde du travail.
In a recent Robert Half Technology survey, 67% of chief information officers polled said breaches in technology etiquette are more common today than three years ago.
Tech-etiquette’ blunders more common

- a laptop clearly represents an intervention in the classroom; thus classroom etiquette may change.
- Instabilité initiale des élèves (Elle est naturelle, mais ne dure pas)
- enregistrement à fond perdu du travail, la page est parfois considérée comme virtuelle et plus jamais utilisée.
- Etudiants de deconnectant du moment: chat/surf personnel effréné

Quel type de charte/règlement?

Sur l’utilisation
* L’utilisation des ordinateurs portables a pour objet exclusif de mener de actes d’enseignement ou de documentation. Sauf autorisation préalable ou convention signée par le/les coordonateur(s) du projet, ces moyens ne peuvent être utilisés en vue de réaliser des projets ne relevant pas des missions confiées aux utilisateurs.
* Use laptops for taking notes, conducting research required for activities, and other specific classroom tasks as assigned by the instructor. During class, students should not check e-mail, browse the Internet, instant message, play games, or perform other off-task activities.

Le respect des autres
* Students may take notes on laptop computers in class unless members of the class complain that the noise of the computer is disruptive.
* If you bring a laptop/notebook computer to class, sit in the back of the room so that your typing does not disturb anybody.

Le respect du professeur
* Check with your professors as their preferences and guidelines for your laptop use within their class. This will vary from professor to professor and from class to class.
* ménager des temps de liberté : contrat moral

Le multi-tasking est-il vraiment inefficace?

Le “backchanneling” est utilisé maintenant lors de conférence.
Backchannel refers to making the crowd chatter public, the idea that the students or audience can discuss during a lecture in a way that becomes part of the shared intellectual space.

Filesystem Hierarchy Standard

Posted: November 22nd, 2004 | No Comments »

Filesystem Hierarchy Standard is a set of requirements and guidelines for file and directory placement under UNIX-like operating systems. The guidelines are intended to support interoperability of applications, system administration tools, development tools, and scripts as well as greater uniformity of documentation for these systems

Lebensqualität in der Economist

Posted: November 19th, 2004 | No Comments »

In Irland lebt es sich am besten. Die Schweiz liegt auf Rang Zwei bezüglich der Lebensqualität. Die Lebensqualität bewertete der “Economist” unter anderem aufgrund des Pro-Kopf-Einkommens, der Gesundheit, Scheidungsraten, Klima, politischer Stabilität, Sicherheit und Gleichberechtigung von Mann und Frau. The Economist, The World in 2005.

Fade out on CatchBob

Posted: November 18th, 2004 | Comments Off

Video (10MB) of the fade out, refresh and connectivity effects on the CatchBob! interface.

The Importance of Consistency

Posted: November 18th, 2004 | No Comments »

From Java Development on MacOSX Pretty “Swell” to Me:

I think a most sensible choice in terms of tools selection is to pick ones that are “OS neutral.” That is, tools that are essentially the same, no matter what OS you run. jEdit, Eclipse, vi, emacs, Google, Firefox all fall under that category. It’s important because it means you won’t have to learn new tools if for some reason you have to work on a different OS.

TV + Laptop + WiFi

Posted: November 17th, 2004 | No Comments »

Russel Beatie about the The Mobile Web: “How many people do you know who watch TV with a laptop using WiFi? Can I have a show of hands?”