Workshop on Spatial Awareness in Collaboration and Group Interaction

Posted: October 9th, 2004 | Comments Off

The workshop on Spatial Awareness in Collaboration and Group Interaction was an enjoyable hands-on experience. Unfortunately my group did not want to study and setup a shoplifting collaborative system. They more wanted to stick close to the more common spatial and collaborative tasks (firefighter, rescue team).

CatchBob! presentation by Nicolas

Jari Laru funky homemade all-in-one plastiline gadget

The few thoughts and pictures of Nicolas.

European Real Time Interfacing

Posted: October 9th, 2004 | No Comments »

is a recurrent issue

Reality Imitating The Simpsons

Posted: October 5th, 2004 | No Comments »

After reading that west Germany financed a formula one race track in east Germany, it made me think of The Simpsons Monorail episode. As mentionned by Pascal, reality has imitated “The Simpsons” in other occasions as mentionned Fresh From ‘Simpsons,’ Tomacco Becomes a Reality. The Albuquerque Isotopes now exist, as well as Tomacco the tomato-tobacco hybrid!

CSCL SIG First Symposium

Posted: October 4th, 2004 | Comments Off

The list of events I plan to take part of at the CSCL SIG First Symposium this week:


09h30-18h – CE 1
Mosil Workshop


Group participation
11h30-12h30 – CE103 (Paper Session)
U. Creâ & Hesse, F. Why group-awareness tools can undermine participation. The effect of providing participants’ portraits in a virtual informationexchange environment Tholander, J. & Fernaeus, Y. Embodied programming with visual and tangible representations.

Spatial Awareness in Collaboration and Group Interaction
14h00-18h00 – CE101 (Workshop)
The workshop about spatial positioning in mobile collaboration aims to study the relationships between space, collaborative problem solving and cognition in group. It will address basic research issues at the crossroads of human cognition and information technology. The workshop will basically be divided into two parts: paper presentation and an hands-on activity. The idea will be to form groups who will have to design a location based service intended for collaborative work/learning using low tech prototyping techniques. This will foster discussion about various question with regards to people’s research interests, collaborative scenario and features to support them.


Visualizing social space
10h00-11h00 – CE100 (Paper session)
Ramberg, R. Creative Collaboration with represent-tations in an Interactive Space. Purbojo, P. & De Hoog, R. The effects of visual information on shaping communication patterns and decision processes in a collaborative and distributed computer based environment.

Interaction Analysis
14h00-18h00 – CE100 (workshop)
Up to the present, CSCL community has focused on the design, the implementation and the evaluation of collaborative learning environments, as well as on the understanding of collaborative learning processes. Actually, it is started to be acknowledged that the design of technology based learning environments must not be limited to the initial means of interaction itself, but needs to be extended to the means that analysing the very complex interactions that occur, thereby could support collaborative activities participants (students & teachers). The fulfi lment of the goal of awareness support for participants in collaborative leaning activities is pushed by the intensive interest to use collaborative systems in every day educational practice, where there is a need to (self) evaluate in an operational way, both the learning outcomes/processes and the quality of collaboration.


11h30-12h30 – CE104
Overview of CSCL research in Taiwan

Java to Javascript Communication with LiveConnect

Posted: October 4th, 2004 | No Comments »

Safari now supports LiveConnect. The old article How Java to Javascript Communication Works in Java Plug-in explains how to make call to JavaScript within a Java applet. Java, JavaScript and Plug-in Interaction Using Client-Side LiveConnect explains the Applet to JavaScript and JavaScript to Applet communication. Old technology, same old bumpy road of browser implementation, but sometimes, LiveConnect is the only way to go.

The State of the World’s Cities: 2004/2005

Posted: October 3rd, 2004 | 1 Comment »

Via the Scout Report: The United Nations Human Settlements Programme published the first State of the World Cities report in 2001, and just recently released this updated version, The State of the World’s Cities: 2004/2005, which offers insight and critical analysis of the state of the world’s major urban areas and how they are changing, both for good and for ill. The various sections include such provocative topics as “Ticking Time-Bombs: Low-income settlements”, “Africa’s Secret Modernist City”, and “Crimes of the Child”.

North America’s first GPS-based cell phone game

Posted: October 3rd, 2004 | Comments Off

Via RoRk\at Work\, Blister Entertainment has announced Swordfish what it claims to be “North America’s first GPS-based cell phone game”.

Monitoring Local and Remote Java Applications

Posted: October 3rd, 2004 | No Comments »

The latest release of Java, J2SE 5.0 (codenamed Tiger), adds core support for the Java Management Extensions (JMX) 1.2 into the Java standard libraries. Monitoring Local and Remote Applications Using JMX 1.2 and JConsole walks you through how to use the JMX support in J2SE 5.0, including the new JConsole application, to monitor and manage your own applications both locally and remotely.

Planning with Virtual Alpine Landscapes and Autonomous Agents

Posted: October 3rd, 2004 | No Comments »

Even though already slashdoted and pasta and vinegared, here are the links to the AlpSim project:

- Planning with Virtual Alpine Landscapes and Autonomous Agents
- AlpSim

I am curious to see how they will reach their goals to model judgements made by individuals in the real environment; compare them with judgements of people in a virtual environment and with judgements gained by those models; and populate a synthetic environment with autonomous agents.

Global Location Based Service For Nokia Series60

Posted: October 3rd, 2004 | Comments Off

For Nokia Series60, CellSpotting retrieves the cell id the mobile uses to give a position according to a remote database (rather empty at the moment). Features are:

- Find the name and location information about a place you are at.
- Track your Cellspotting friends, You can find the whereabout of your friends.
- Find the distance and direction to spotted cells!