London-Leeds Train

Posted: September 5th, 2004 | No Comments »

WiFi access in the London-Leeds train

Urban Markup Language

Posted: September 3rd, 2004 | Comments Off

2 short stories related to spatial communicationin in Wired:

- Urban Markup Language
- Text in the City

Honor System Backup, the Next Niche Market

Posted: September 2nd, 2004 | No Comments »

A really interesting rule found by pascal on the MIT Fab Lab web site:

Remember – it is anticipated that you may break something along the way, but the only bad thing you can do is break something and not tell anybody. As a backup for the honor system, there are cameras alongside each machine that broadcast what’s happening with it in real time, and allows tracking of who was there at what time.

Backups for honor systems might very well be a niche market!

The concept of Fab Lab is explained in Fab Labs Bring “Personal Fabrication” to People Around the World (via Tom)

Fiesta de la Sidra '04

Posted: August 31st, 2004 | No Comments »

Quatro dias en España. Desde Sitges, hasta la Fiesta de la Sidra y la playa nueva en Gijón.

CatchBob! Second Pre-experiment

Posted: August 25th, 2004 | Comments Off

Videos of the replay tool of the second CatchBob! pre-experiment:

- AVI – 2.36MB
- MOV – 7.8MB

Non-flying Flying Saucer

Posted: August 22nd, 2004 | No Comments »

Spotted a few monthes earlier by RoRk in Geneva, a smaller version of a non-flying flying saucer has been spotted in Lausanne.


Posted: August 22nd, 2004 | No Comments »

Mein Doppelgänger macht Werbung für Elektrogeräte

Stereo Total sur l'Eau

Posted: August 22nd, 2004 | No Comments »

Brezel Göring et Françoise Cactuse de Stereo Total sur le Bateau Genève

Interaction Regulation

Posted: August 18th, 2004 | Comments Off

Quelques explications de termes de Patrick sur son court papier Designing Computational Models of Collaborative Learning

Computational model
Eléments et connexion qui forment un système. Collection des indicateurs. Représentation informatisée des interactions

The locus of processing
locus = lieu géométrique
locus = endroit

Metacognitive tools
C’est l’outil qui va faire la cognition sur la cognition des gens. C’est un layer au dessus du mirroring tool

Qualitative indicators
Qualitative, toutes les données que l’on ne peut pas décrire avec des un logiciel de statistique.

What is the plan recognition?
Hiérarchie de but et le plan est l’ensemble des buts. en fonction des buts, on reconnait ce quel est l’agenda caché

Example of interaction patterns?
Cela depend du scheme de codage.

Java Frameworks to Follow

Posted: August 18th, 2004 | Comments Off

The few Java frameworks and libs to follow:

- Hibernate: object-relational mapper
- SiteMesh: page decoration
- Spring Framework: web framework, Data Access Object layer
- XDoclet: Attribute-Oriented Programming
- Castor: Java-to-XML binding, Java-to-SQL persistence