His Dudeness, Duder, El Dudarino

Posted: June 17th, 2004 | No Comments »

Big Lebowski quotes to remember

- Your revolution is over, Mr. Lebowski! Condolences! The bums lost!
- You have no frame of reference, Donny. You’re like a child who walks into the middle of a movie…
- What’re you saying? When you divorce you turn in your library card, you get a new license, you stop being Jewish!
- I deal in publishing. Entertainment. Political advocacy
- Hey, hey, careful man! There’s a beverage here!
- Man, they were nihilists, man. They kept saying they believed in nothing
- Three thousand years of beautiful tradition from Moses to Sandy Koufax, you’re damn right I’m living in the past!

From The Big Lebowski Random Quote Generator.

First CatchBob! Experiment

Posted: June 15th, 2004 | Comments Off

First life CatchBob! experiment was performed today. Good feeling even though the physical topology of the EPFL wireless network and the limited access to some building give me worries on wether the joint task can be fulfilled with enough interactions.

Desktop Life Hack

Posted: June 15th, 2004 | No Comments »

As part of LifeHack, here is a screenshot with small descriptions of my xp desktop (my linux desktop being almost empty)

Staging and Evaluating Public Performance as an Approach to CVE Research

Posted: June 13th, 2004 | Comments Off

The Mixed Reality Laboratory at the University of Nottingham conducts research with the approach of staging public performances involves taking emerging technology out of the laboratory and working with professionals to create an event that can be placed before the public.
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Video Box Scores

Posted: June 12th, 2004 | No Comments »

Baseball is a natural fit with the Internet because of the sheer number of games each season, and because of the sport’s long history, devoted fans and rich statistics.

MLB.com now offers more than audio and video on demand. A new feature is “video box scores” that enable a fan to watch clips of each player’s at-bats, hits, walks or strikeouts. If Cubs’ pitcher Carlos Zambrano strikes out five batters that day, for instance, one could watch a video of each whiff. A stringer at each ballpark video-logs each event in the game and then posts it to the website.

Real-time Visualization of a Location-Based Multi-Player Game

Posted: June 12th, 2004 | Comments Off

Very early version of a tool built on top of the CatchBob server that visualizes real-time activity of the players. The goal of this tool to provide a base to analyze the wide load of data generated during a game (data stored according to an XML formalism). An obvious usage would be to use it to replay a game (for players self-confrontation with their activites), a more delicate would be to visualize a game simulated by agents. Fungus eaters are back! Yes! ;) .

Visualisation de l'Information dans les Environnements Quotidiens

Posted: June 9th, 2004 | Comments Off

Dans le portail STAF18, article d’introduction à l’art informatif: Visualisation de l’information dans les environnements quotidiens.

Navigate the Spam

Posted: June 6th, 2004 | Comments Off

Zoom in and out, and navigation implemented for SpamPoetry.

Semantic Fisheye View

Posted: June 6th, 2004 | Comments Off

A few notes from Paul Janecek’s presentation of his research on the effectivness of Semantic Fisheye View (SFEV)

Opportunistic search
– browsing over images
– browsing categories

Us of WordNet – Semantic model
Concept hierarchy: from specialized concept to the least specialized

Similarity-guided: keyword linked to images)
Semantic-guided: according super-concepts and siblings with WordNet)

DOI (Degree of interest) function: frequency in a number of time it is used

relevence vs interest

Calculate interests metrics

Information “scent”: how well the information leads you to a direction

Moore's Law on Smoking Areas

Posted: June 4th, 2004 | No Comments »

My prediction of shrinking smoking areas according Moore’s Law is confirming (see Miniaturized Smoking Area) . After a few monthes, the area has almost been divided by 2. Current size is: