Interface Culture – Infinity Imagined

Posted: July 29th, 2003 | No Comments »

Conclusion of Steven Johnson’s Interface Culture:

“As a product of engineering, interface design necessarily works in the interest of clarity and coherence, but once its practitioners begin to think of themselves as artists, those values grow more and more restrictive.”
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Fin de Semana en el Pais Vasco

Posted: July 27th, 2003 | No Comments »

He olvidado mi Cybershot para hacer fotos, pero no mi móvil…

Interface Culture – Agents

Posted: July 24th, 2003 | No Comments »

By reading Steven Johnson on “Agents” made me realise Pascal and I were not too far off while developing our Negotiating Agent Development Kit back in the good old days. We actually implemented quite a few things Johnson wrote about in 1997.

A few Steven Johnson’s thoughts:
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Jueves por la Noche en Oviedo

Posted: July 24th, 2003 | No Comments »

Mode, Style et Car-tuning

Posted: July 23rd, 2003 | No Comments »

Lire La Société de l’Esprit (ISBN 0-671-65713-5) de Marvin Minsky apporte des révélations surprenantes. Ce livre va peut-être m’aider dans un début de tentative de comprendre la mode du car-tuning :-) . Je résumerais l’analyse de Minsky de la mode et le style comme suit:
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Interface Culture – Text

Posted: July 23rd, 2003 | No Comments »

A few quotes from the chapter about Text in Interface Culture:

“[...] the mind naturally resists the dull glare of the screen, feels ill at ease with it, unnatural. And then something in the user experience changes – the “direct manipulation” of the mouse, perhaps, or the resolution of the display – and suddenly you find yourself at home in front of the machine, so acclimated to the environment that you’re no longer fighting the software”.
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La Revolución es Vida Nueva!?

Posted: July 23rd, 2003 | No Comments »

Fotos sacado con mi móvil en Oviedo hoy

Interface Culture – Links

Posted: July 21st, 2003 | No Comments »

A few quotes from the chapter about Links in Interface Culture:

“The link is the first significant new form of punctuation to emerge in centuries.”

“As the word suggests, a link is a way of drawing connections between things, a way of forging semantic relationships. In the terminology of linguistics, the link plays a cunjunctive role, binding together disparate ideas in digital prose.”
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Interface Culture – Windows

Posted: July 20th, 2003 | No Comments »

Third chapter of Steven Johnson’s Interface Culture was not as informative as the previous ones [Bittmapping] [Desktop], mainly due to the time the book was written in (1997). He discusses now closed debates like frames and the browsers battle. Nevertheless here are a few quotes including the forcast of the weblog trend:
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Un Domingo por la Tarde en Cudillero

Posted: July 20th, 2003 | No Comments »