Posted: March 23rd, 2006 | No Comments »
Marek Bell, Malcolm Hall, Matthew Chalmers, Phil Gray, Barry Brown, Domino: Exploring Mobile Collaborative Software Adaptation, To appear in Proc. Pervasive 2006, Dublin.
Domino is an experiment to support raising complexity (complex patterns of interdependence) in handling software plug-ins, a situation that could become a “plug-in hell” as well as the need of incremental adaptation requested by ubicomp applications (because of real-world dynamics of activities, context and preferences). When in proximity with each others Domino system exchange usage information. A collaborative filtering algorithm then recommends the needed plug-in additions and upgrades. The long term goal is to better understand how patterns of user activity, often considered to be an issue more for HCI than software engineering, may be used to adapt and improve the fundamental structures and mechanisms of technological systems.
Relation to my thesis: Current ubicomp constraints force mutual-adaptation of human and technology. Domino is a example of a incrementally adapting system based on all the users usage. Its social-proximity approach makes it very scalable.
“adaptable and adaptive interaction techniques are likely the only scalable approaches to personalisation.”
Weld, D. et al. Automatically personalizing user interfaces. Proc IJCAI 2003, Morgan Kaufmann, 1613-1619
Posted: March 20th, 2006 | No Comments »
The Context Gap: An Essential Challenge to Context-Aware Computing is title of the Ph.D. dissertation of Louise Barkhuus (december 2004). She proposes that one of the problems of context-aware computing is the ‘context gap,’ the gap between a sensor-derived technical representation of a context, and the social perception of a context. The context gap is inevitable and inherent in that it cannot be bridged; human context can only be represented technologically to a limited extent.
I set out to explore not only whether the context gap exists but also what contributes to it and what consequences this might have.
She conducted 3 case studies to examine the context gap (with embodied interaction as theoretical framework). The first case study identifies four types of context information that are important to users, and analyzes how the context gap is manifested in this situation. The second study investigates the context gap through three levels of interaction: personalization, passive context-aware computing and active context-aware computing. The third study explores the premises and social structures in the environment and traced the context gap from both the human and the technology side.
4 design rules can be drawn from the case studies:
- Let users describe their context
- Let users define the actions from given sensor information
- Inform users of the implication of their use of the technology
- Reevaluate the applications after some time of use
Louise concludes by emphasizing that
the context gap is found to be an inevitable challenge to context-aware computing, which needs to be addressed in order to continue the goal towards supplying users with a smooth and appropriate interaction by way of context-aware computing.
Relation to my thesis: I aim at analyzing the discrepancy between what a group of users need and what technology is capable of in collaborative context. Louis shows that this type of discrepancies is one of the cause of the context gap described by this thesis. The consequences of the context gap created by discrepancies between how the users lead their lives and the functioning of the potential technology, the users simply did not use the service. Another consequence of the context gap is the lack of perceived usefulness by the systems
Unless it (the context gap) is acknowledged, in the early stages of design, we run the risk of developing inappropriate context-aware computing as seen throughout this dissertation.
Posted: March 19th, 2006 | No Comments »
In Mapping Switzerland, an exhibition held in 2004, Hosoya Schaefer showed eleven maps of Switzerland and its global context
Visualizations can help to propose new ways of thinking. They can help to see oneself not only in the historically grown context but also in the flux of globalization.
![Ths 000](
Full article in Weltwoche from December 23, 2004: [PDF, 6.3Mb]
Via P&V
Relation to my thesis: I am interested in different ways to visualize spatial data
Posted: March 19th, 2006 | No Comments »
GooMaps displays real-time location of planes. However, tt is not clear where the data are coming from.
Via Mauro
Relation to my thesis: I am interested in real-time tracking of things in uncontrolled environments. GooMaps yet another example of real-time Vessel tracking
Posted: March 19th, 2006 | No Comments »
The UC Berkeley-based California Partner for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH) has built a WiFi/GPS-based system for cars based that tracks and displays the vehicle’s location and those around it. The automobiles are constantly forming ad hoc wireless networks as they pass one another and exchange information about their physical place on the road.
One of the concern is the inherent system failures and limitations
Still, the researchers have a long road ahead before the cooperative collision warning system is ready for commercialization. For example, data transmission protocols and error correction algorithms must be improved so that occasional missed bits of data, a given due to the speed and volume of cars on a freeway, don’t result in hazardous system errors.
Relation to my thesis: An example of a proximity-based system which tries to reduce a driver’s workload but leaves some problems of hazardous system errors. How can these errors can be dealt with on the system and user level?
Posted: March 19th, 2006 | No Comments »
From Mark van Doorn (Research scientist of Philips Research Laboratories Eindhoven) talk at AmIGro.
“To create personalized Ambient Intelligence on a mass basis however, we must also take into account costs”
Mark talks about the current shift to the experience economy in An Inside Story on the Experience Economy.
Via SmartMobs
Relation to my thesis: Costs of personalize customization in a large scale is a constraint of ambient intelligence.
Posted: March 17th, 2006 | No Comments »
The Mobility Studio Stockholm provides an updated list of conferences, workshop, special issues, etc. with their respective deadlines and links to the call for participations.
Posted: March 16th, 2006 | 1 Comment »
My position paper on the impact of discrepancies on collaboration in a pervasive context has been published in the spanish HCI journal eMinds. It was written last Fall with the support of Nicolas. Of course, now with 6 months of literature review behind me, I see some flaws. However, it gives an overview I what I intend to do in my PhD thesis.
Girardin, F., Nova, N., Getting real with ubiquitous computing: the impact of discrepancies on collaboration. e-Minds: International Journal on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 1, Number 1, April 2006.
Ubiquitous computing is still a maturing field of investigation. The vision of the seamless integration of computers to people’s life has yet to happen, if it ever has to become a reality. Nowadays, most mobile, distributed systems and sensor technologies have their faults and limitations. Users of ubiquitous technologies often learn to avoid or rectify the systems failures. However, there is still a lack of quantitative information concerning how they impact the collaboration. Therefore, we propose to use a ‘field of experiment’ approach based on a pervasive game platform. Our aim is to rely on a mix of qualitative and quantitative evaluations to find out how uncertainties modified the collaborative processes.
Posted: March 16th, 2006 | 1 Comment »
Report of the Blogject Workshop is out. Once again, terrific work done by Nicolas and Julian. This report is an extension to the Manifesto for Networked Objects. It features the four blogject scenarios brainstormed during the workshop. I already put a few thoughts in The Internet of Things, Moving Beyond the Refrigerator.
Two major topics emerge towards my interests:
- The scale-up of a messy pervasive world as opposed to a smoothly uniform and standards adhering one.
- The trade-off between simple Blogjects and complex artifacts with Blogjects functionalities (individuals vs. flocks). Relevant self-organising phenomenons can emerge from the interaction among interconnected flocks (swarm intelligence, Agent-Based modelling, …).
Relation to my thesis: In a pervasive world, objects interconnect and our perceptions and relations with them will change. I am interested in how this chaos can be managed and self-organize. Features and scenarios around blogjects bring relevant clues to enter the post-refrigirator era of the Internet of Things.