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Vision of mobile computing from the 30s. Extracted from Paul Dourish’s talk The Culture of Information: Ubiquitous Computing and Representations of Reality given at the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics at Indiana University on Friday October 14th, 2005.
Antifakos, S., Kern, N., Schiele, B., & Schwaninger, A. (2005). Towards improving trust in context aware systems by displaying system confidence. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 111, 9-14.
The principal contribution of this paper is a study in which we show the effect of displaying system confidence on user trust. The proposal is based on the fact that users are used to and highly successful in dealing with unreliable and uncertain information throughout their daily lives. The authors propose to display system reliability explicitly and leverage from the user’s ability to choose the appropriate action.
Our experiments show that when system confidence is displayed, users more often rely on the system. This suggests an increase of the user’s trust in the system.
Providing a feedback mechanism seems mandatory in the context of ubiquitous computing. Modeling uncertainties and advanced
inference mechanisms might not be enough. According to Bellotti and Edwards, context systems cannot be designed simply to act on our behalf. Rather they propose that those systems will have to defer to users in an efficient and non-obtrusive way.
Similarly, Bubb-Lewis and Scerbo [Getting to know you: Human-computer communication in adaptive automation] argue that the only way of reducing uncertainty is by exchanging information between the automatic system and the human user.
Context-aware and automatic system seem to provide similar feature. There are already some context-aware and automatic systems that propose the use of different feedback mechanisms. However, their effects on user’s trust and system usability have not been evaluated.
Reference to read:
B. Muir. Trust in automation: Part i. theoretical issues in the study of trust and human intervention in automated systems. Ergonomics, 37(11):1905–1922, 1994.
Relation to my thesis: It would be interesting to have a group perform a collaborative task and evaluate if displaying the ubiquitous environment reliability improves that performance. Atifakos et al. fail to mention the tradeoff between the cognitive load for displaying uncertainty and the added value that it provides. Evaluating the Effects of Displaying Uncertainty in Context-Aware Applications:
One issue to be considered in future work is the tradeoff between the cognitive load, which displaying uncertainty information causes, and the added value that it provides.
I follow Bellotti and Edwards (for context-aware) and Bubb-Lewis and Scerbo (for automatic system) who conclude that systems cannot be designed simply to act on our behalf. A challenge is to define what “efficient and non-obtrusive way” to communicate uncertainty, and nurture trust in the system. Trust and handling uncertainty are tightly related. There are many methods of presenting feedback in an effort towards making systems more predictable. Atifakos et al. show one way to evaluate them.
A drawing by Mark Weiser, dropped without explanation on a bottom left of his ubiquitous computing web page.
One of Weiser’s research interests was… garbage collection. Yet another field I share with him.
Relation to my thesis: I guess the intention is to show that the world is no more a desktop, and that ubiquitous technologies free us from physical anchors.
Bellotti, V.; Edwards, W. K. Intelligibility and accountability: human considerations in context aware systems. Human Computer Interaction. 2001. 16 (2-4): 193-212.
In this essay Bellotti and Edwards argue that there are human aspects of context that cannot be sensed or even inferred by technological means, so context-aware systems cannot be designed simply to act on our behalf. It is the human and social aspects of context that seem to raise the most vexing questions. Because people, unlike systems and devices, make unpredictable judgments about context. In other words they improvise (Sccuhman, 1987)
Although these are the very aspects of context that are difficult or impossible to codify or represent in a structured way, they are, in fact, crucial to making a context-aware system a benefit rather than a hindrance or—even worse—an annoyance.
This entails making certain contextual details and system inferences visible to users in a principled manner and providing effective means of controlling possible system actions.
Context-aware systems mediate between people, and must be accountable and so must their users:
Users need to be able to understand how a system is interpreting the state of the world. Context-aware systems must be intelligible as to their states, “beliefs,” and “initiatives” if users are to be able to govern their behavior successfully (Dourish, Accounting for System Behaviour: Representation, Reflection and Resourceful Action, 1997). [...] context-aware systems must also provide mechanisms that enforce accountability of users to each other.
Bettotti and Edward propose two crucial features to support the user in making his own inferences
Intelligibility: Context-aware systems that seek to act upon what they infer about the context must be able to represent to their user what they know, how they know it, and what they are doing about it.
Accountability: Context-aware systems must enforce user accountability when, based on their inferences about the social context, they seek to mediate user actions that impact others.
However there are drawbacks in differing power to the user:
Therefor the authors present different design strategies (probably based on a probabilistic approach to detect the system’s state of correctness) for control and minimize the human effort:
Relation to my thesis: Another essay on the balance between visibility and control and empowering users of context-aware systems to reason for themselves about the nature of their systems and environment and to decide how best to proceed. This vision is supported by two key features of context-aware infrastructure: intelligibility and accountability. The authors talk about strategies to minimize the human effort. It would be interesting to analyze in what conditions there is a positive and negative impacts on the human and on a group effort.
M. Satyanarayanan, “Pervasive Computing: Vision and Challenges,” IEEE Personal Communications, August 2001.
This papers sets the challenges in computer systems posed by pervasive computing. To stay focused, it avoids digressions into areas important to pervasive computing such as human-computer interaction, expert systems and software agents.
Two distinct earlier steps in the evolution of pervasive computing are distributed systems and mobile computing. Some of the technical problems in pervasive computing correspond to problems already identified and studied in those fields. In some cases, the demands of pervasive computing are sufficiently different that new solutions have to be sought.
The research agenda of pervasive computing subsumes that of mobile computing, but goes much further. Moreover, the whole of all the technical challenges is much greater than the sum of the part.
Satyanarayanan keeps a pragramtic approach to invisility:
In practice, a reasonable approximation of this ideal (invisibility) is minimal user distraction
and talks about balancing proactivity and transparency towards the user
Proactivity is a double-edged sword. Unless carefully designed, a proactive system can annoy a user and thus defeat the goal of invisibility. How does one design a system that strikes the proper balance at all times? Self-tuning can be an important tool in this effort. A mobile user’s need and tolerance for proactivity are likely to be closely related to his level of expertise on a task and his familiarity with his environment. A system that can infer these factors by observing user behavior and context is better positioned to strike the right balance.
Taxonomy of Computer Systems Research Problems in Pervasive Computing. Already blogged in Wireless Campus LBS.
Relations to my thesis: Invisibility is about minimal user distraction. I am not sure about “minimal”… I would replace it with relevant. I like the taxonomy that shows the new layers of complexity. The whole of all these layers is much greater than the sum of the parts. Understanding the balance between annoying proactivity and inscrutable transparency is at the heart of my work.
M. Satyanarayanan. “Coping with Uncertainty,” IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 02, no. 3, p. 2, July-September, 2003.
The Editor in chief’s note of the IEEE Pervasive Computing issue focusing on systems that deal with uncertainty.
M. Satyanarayanan mentions that digital computing allowed us to eliminate uncertainty in state representation and transformation and that it is now ironic that today’s all-digital world, uncertainty reappears as a major concern at a higher level of representation.
Dealing with uncertainty in pervasive environments might be found in subtle system to user and user to system communication. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches seem valid
How does a system strike a happy medium at all times, even when the environment or user context changes?
How verbose should a system be in keeping its user informed about what is going on underneath?
Relation to my thesis: This issue of IEEE Pervasive Computing was one of the first to mention uncertainty. Even with its quantitative approach (Bayesian Filtering for location estimation or modeling the user patience) it acknowledges more qualitative approaches. Good since I plan to mix the two approaches.
Dourish, P. and Bellotti, V. (1992). Awareness and Coordination in Shared Workspaces. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work CSCW’92 (Toronto, Ontario), 107-114. New York: ACM.
Awareness is an understanding of the activities of others, which provides a context for your own activity. This context is used to ensure that individual contributions are relevant to the group’s activity as a whole, and to evaluate individual actions with respect to group goals and progress.
Awareness information can be explicitly generated, directed and separate from the shared work object or passively collected and distributed, and presented in the same shared work space as the object of collaboration.
Dourish and Bellotti suggest that awareness information provided and exploited passively through the shared workspace, allows users to move smoothly between close and loose collaboration.
Most awareness systems embody an assumption that a simple awareness of other’s activity needs to be augmented with other explicit, or restrictive mechanisms for ensuring an easy collaboration. However there are 3 potential problems:
Relation to my thesis: I am interested in explicitly generated and passively collected information about uncertainty and uncertainty-awareness in collaborative environments in general.
Padovitz A., Loke S. W., Zaslavsky A., On Uncertainty in Context-Aware Computing: Appealing to High-Level and Same-Level Context for Low-Level Context Verification, in S. K. Mostefaoui et al (eds.) International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing, 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS) , 2004, INSTICC Press, Portugal, pp. 62 – 72
In context-aware systems factors that promote uncertainty are:
A context-aware system needs to resolve discrepancies as well as high-level context ambiguities that result from the contradicting sensor readings. Sensors sometimes yield to different or contradicting results when systems deal with sensors that are inherently innaccurate.The authors approach is:
We suggest a general high-level, logical approach that makes use of existing context reasoning and acquisition techniques that enables a context-aware system to resolve context ambiguities and optimize sensor-reading values. Our approach is the following: in order to verify a given sensor reading (i.e. low-level contextual information) such as location or light, we use other sensor readings and inferences upon such sensor readings.
We present a system prototype that filters sensed location readings according to a logical scheme using high-level contextual situations. We also present a simulation, used for critically assessing the logical filtering approach.
Logical filtering improves in general location error. However the degree of success of such an approach is dependent on the suitability of the system’s contextual configuration. The environment must somehow be controlled.
Related other positivist approaches like: Towards Reasoning About Context in the Presence of Uncertainty.
References to read:
Glassey R., Ferguson I., Modeling Location for Pervasive Environments, First UK-UbiNet Workshop, London, UK, 2003
Mäntyjärvi J., Seppänen T., Adapting Applications in Mobile Terminals Using Fuzzy Context Information, Mobile Human-Computer Interaction: 4th International Symposium, Mobile HCI 2002, Pisa, Italy, September 18-20, 2002
M. Satyanarayanan. “Coping with Uncertainty,” IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 02, no. 3, p. 2, July-September, 2003.
Relation to my thesis: This papers provides a positivist (quantitative/engineering) approach to my research topic on how to handle uncertainties that emerge when systems try to become aware at runtime and are indecisive in reasoning about the true situation. The difference with my approach is that they try to computationally (probability-based solution) decrease uncertainty while I think this is not enough and communicating about the system state/discrepeancier is necessary to disambiguate uncertain situations (or at least supporting disambiguation). Moreover, context is more about accurately detecting a location.
Mark S. Ackerman. “The Intellectual Challenge of CSCW: The Gap Between Social Requirements and Technical Feasibility.” John Carroll (ed.), HCI in the New Millennium, Addison-Wesley, 2001.
In CSCW, there is an inherent gap that divides what we know we must support socially and what we can support technically. Exploring, understanding, and ameliorating this gap is the central challenge of CSCW as a field and one of the central problems for HCI.
CSCW assumptions and findings:
There are two major arguments against the importance of any social-technical gap:
1. Some new technology or software technique will shortly solve the gap (unlikely)
2. The gap is merely historical circumstance and we will adapt to the gap in some form (co-evolution: we adapt resources in the environment to our needs. Our culture will adapt itself or the limitations of the technology, so the technical limitations are not important). It goes against a central premise of HCI that we should not force users to adapt.
If the social-technical gap is real, important, and likely to remain, then we must
So far, CSCW has only been working on first-order approximation, that is tractable solutions that partially solve specific problems with known trade-offs. CSCW shares problems of generalizability from small groups to a general population (as do all social sciences), prediction of affordances (as does HCI), and the applicability of new technological possibilities (as does the rest of computer sciences)
Relation to my thesis: This paper provides on overview of CSCW and the high-level challenge for the framework of my thesis (I am less interested in the CSCW as a science section). My thesis has a natural emphasis on “what we can support technically”, how to deal with the limitations when they are hardly manageable due to the complexity of the real world, and how it impacts the social. Ways to find a balances between technically working and organizationally workable in ubicomp. My work is linked to Greenberg and Marwood, CSCW technical researchers who demonstrated the social-technical gap (Marwood, B., & Greenberg, S. (1994). Real Time Groupware as a Distributed System: Concurrency Control and Its Effect on the Interface. Proceedings of the Computer Supported Cooperative Work : 207-217.
If concurrency control is not established, people may invoke conflicting actions. As a result, the group may become confused because displays are inconsistent, and the groupware document corrupted due to events being handled out of order. (p. 207)
My claim is that a technical solution is unlikely and co-evolution does not solve everything especially with the constant evolution of technologies and our techno-push world. However, I am wondering on gow to go beyond first-order approximation and constributing “cool toys”.