Java Knowledge Update

Posted: March 25th, 2005 | No Comments »

My JavaWorld, Javalobby, SDN, … newsletters have been pilling for tool long. I went throught them today and read:

Map-based Visualization of NNTP Newsgroups

Posted: March 24th, 2005 | 2 Comments »

Monthes after Patrick Jermann cool map-based visualization of an EPFL NNTP newsgroup, he moved forward and created a high-level schema of several types of textual data (newsgroups, blogs, library, …).

Based on this schema, it took me no time for me to reuse the code of ShoutSpace and build an interactive map-based visualitzation of the NNTP newsgroups (here the epfl.comp.mac newsgroup). The visualisation rely on the translation from an IP in the newsgroup message header towards a room identificator. From there, we use geographical data about the rooms coordinates to draw the maps.

This work is part of our projects on semantic and social visualization of textual data.

The Neighborhood Project

Posted: March 23rd, 2005 | 14 Comments »

The Neighborhood Project is creating a map of city neighborhoods based on the collective opinions of internet users. Addresses and neighborhood data are translated into latitude and longitude values, and then drawn on the map. The address and neighborhood data are collected from housing posts on craigslist, and from people filling out a web form. The coordinates are generated using the free I especially like the very nice zoom effect on the San Francisco map.

Wireless is "Passé"

Posted: March 21st, 2005 | 1 Comment »

Bridging the Physical and Digital in Pervasive Gaming

Posted: March 14th, 2005 | No Comments »

In Bridging the Physical and Digital in Pervasive Gaming, Benford, Margerkurth and Ljungstrand talk (once again) about the new challenges given to pervasive gaming. Namely:

  • Dealing with uncertainty Uncertainties associated with sensing and wireless communication. Both are constrainted by limited coverage, especially in congested urban areas, so that players may often be unable to obtain fix on their position or communicate with others.
  • Hybrid architectures. Reconciling client-server and peer-to-peer architecture. Whereas client-server architectures enable players to share a consistent game experience, peer-to-peer support highly localized and ad-hoc game play during encounters on the streets.
  • Hefting domains Designs requires careful consideration of which elements to represent virtually, physically, or as a blend of both
  • Configuration A pervasive game may need to be configured to work at many different locations
  • Orchestration Real time management of live game from behind the scenes

In this article, they also mention the various forms of pervasive games (mapping classic computer games onto real-world setting, focus on social interaction, touring artistic games, educational games). They mention the three core technologies that pervasive games are built upon (displays, wireless communication, sensing technologies). It is actually the blend of technoloies combined with the location-based and often public nature of game play, gives pervasive games their distinctive identity.

Treasure Hunt

Posted: March 14th, 2005 | 1 Comment »

Treasure Hunt is a pervasive game using 3G handheld technologies. Users equipped with these handheld devices are able to play in various game zones, which can be located in and around cities. It is still very fuzzy how the link between the physical and virtual world is done and the trailer does not show much.

It seems that based on that project, a Location Based Games (LBG) company also called Treasure Hunt was created.

Paradoxal St-Gallen

Posted: March 14th, 2005 | No Comments »


Posted: March 13th, 2005 | No Comments »

LifeClipper is a locative and reality augmented art project by Jan Torpus in Basel.

Map Navigation Widgets

Posted: March 13th, 2005 | No Comments »

Edward Mac Gillavry offers in webmapper categories of widgets for map navigation and zooming.

ShoutSpace Applet

Posted: March 6th, 2005 | No Comments »

I implemented a signed applet version of ShoutSpace. Features include a zoom in and out, a move mode, and a write mode. It is still very much of a prototype for us to discuss where we want to go in terms of scenarios, interaction design, …

I had to sign the applet, because the Axis log cannot be disable (rather annoying) and eventually I will need to open sockets to various servers.