Slide Producing Tree

Posted: January 19th, 2005 | No Comments »

My slide producing tree blossomed again today.

First ShoutSpace Implemantation at EIF

Posted: January 19th, 2005 | No Comments »

People at the Fribourg School of Engineering showed my their first implemantion of ShoutSpace on their campus. They are moving forward with some sort 3D indoor positioning system. Via Breeze and ShoutSpace, I could follow them walking around their CS building. We used Skype for oral communication.

And a 1 minutes .mov video (2.5MB).

My KartOO Map

Posted: January 18th, 2005 | No Comments »

My Kartoo map shows up some good results and relations: software engineer, epfl, craft, tecfa, partick jermann, pascal betz. Funny that it does not show information from the past (isbiel, california, …). Kartoo does not seem to be much blog aware.

First Workshop of the Pervasive and Locative Arts Network (PLAN)

Posted: January 17th, 2005 | No Comments »

I will attend the First Workshop of the Pervasive and Locative Arts Network (PLAN) in London February 1 and 2. The programme is promising.

I'm Not Even Sure What This Guy is Talking About

Posted: January 15th, 2005 | No Comments »

Via Technorati, excellent comment by teeny tiny blog on this blog: “Wardriving and Catchbob I’m not even sure what this guy is talking about half the time”. I’ll take that as a compliment :)

Posted: January 15th, 2005 | No Comments »

THISS est une étude de l’ETHZ qui compare, en Suisse, les créateurs d’entreprises avec des non-créateur ou des créateurs potentiels. Elle thématise en outre les différences liées au fait que les diplômé(e)s ont suivi une EPF ou une HES:
Ecoles polytechniques et innovations – Start-ups et Spin-offs sous l’angle particulier de la formation, de la formation continue et des structures de support.

- 1/5 ingénieur ou informaticien sortant d’une haute école suisse fonde sa propre entreprise
- 50% d’entre eux envisagent de le faire
- L’indépendance, l’épanoussement personnel et le désir de diriger sa propre entreprise sont des motivations fondamentales (pas l’argent)
- 40 à 50% des ces jeunes entrepreneurs se trouvent dans les chiffres noires après deux ans d’activités

Résumé en français
Résultats en allemand

My Next 6 Monthes Planning at CRAFT

Posted: January 15th, 2005 | No Comments »

WiFi Coverage in Downtown Switzerland

Posted: January 12th, 2005 | No Comments »

Maps of a wardriving session by the people at in Zürich in October 2004: Wardriver Treffen.

CatchBob! Experiment without Awarness Tool

Posted: January 11th, 2005 | No Comments »

We ran a CatchBob! experiment with the awarness tool disabled. Nicolas reports on it in A catchbob test.
Animation made of the red player’s screenshots taken at each refresh action.

RendezVous is French for Jini

Posted: January 9th, 2005 | No Comments »

Jini: Out of the Bottle and Into the Box is the kind of article that make you believe in Jini again. Daniel H. Steinberg makes the open dream of having Jini shipped with every JVM. It would indeed be rather exciting to have Jini on every Java capable device and offer the same services (and more!) as RendezVous. I must admit that Jini is one of the few Java technology that tickles my creativity.

- Dietzen posited that where the current Web is concerned with UI, the next generation of the Web will center around integration.
- SOAP-based web services are being used inappropriately for applications that require only a socket or two.
- It isn’t that Jini or any other technology is right or wrong. You need to understand the fundamental assumptions of that technology and apply it where appropriate.
- We’re buying into the notion that we need all of these WS-* initiatives and can’t imagine that we can send a message “from scratch” with our “easy-bake socket.”
- If you assume Java is present at both ends of the wire, you are mostly set up to take advantage of Jini technology.
- They explained that Jini was all about distributed objects and networked devices, and the assumptions that needed to be made to robustly provide services on an unreliable network. Much of that message got lost.
- Rendezvous is French for Jini
- What we learned in the case of Rendezvous is that having the supporting structure always available leads developers to take advantage of the technology in ways that cannot be anticipated.
- The advantage of supporting Jini at the VM level is, therefore, that you can “assume a network.”
- One of the most appealing aspects of Apple’s Rendezvous technology is the fundamental rejection of the Highlander principle.
- Programmers need to acknowledge and code for potential problems on the network, but the patterns for working with Jini and JavaSpaces are not nearly as complex as the problems with working with EJBs.
- Opportunities abound on the desktop, in the enterprise, and in mobile devices
- There needs to be an ease of use for end users that would require a Jini lookup service be present without requiring any action on their part.