Zürcher Hochschulen Top

Posted: January 13th, 2004 | No Comments »

Gemäss den “Academic Ranking of World Universities – 2003” die beiden Zürcher Hochschulen (ETHZ und Uni Zürich) gehören zu den «Top 10» Europas und liegen unter den 50 besten Weltweit. Der Lausanner ETH steht nicht in das Ranking. Für die Einteilung ausschlaggebend waren die Anzahl Nobelpreisträger, die Anzahl sehr häufig zitierter Forscherinnen und Forscher, in den Zeitschriften «Nature» und «Science» publizierte Artiel, die Anzahl Artikel im Science Citation Index Expanded und im Social Sciences Citation Index sowie die Leistung bezogen auf die Zahl der angestellten Forschenden. Quelle: Tages-Anzeiger

Décroissance, Qualité et Niveau de Vie

Posted: January 13th, 2004 | No Comments »

Un rapport du WorldWatch Institute qui va complètement dans le sense de la décroissance. “Plus riche, plus gras, mais pas beaucoup plus heureux”, ou la réflexion sur la qualité Vs. niveau de vie.

What Have you Done During the New Economy ?

Posted: January 13th, 2004 | No Comments »

A post trend set by Icon: Now that the bubble inlfated: What have you done during the new economy?

I built a thematic and geographical index of web resources about Switzerland, sold it, left for a summer in the Silicon Valley in the early days of XML to do a project on “Forms on the Web” for a data-entry company (a Motorola spinoff. got eaten by another data-entry company since then), returned on highway 101 and 280 2 years after while the bubble was bursting for a 1-year internship at Borland working on their distributed systems softwares.

A Pulsed Ultraviolet Laser Shows Potential for Cutting Patterns in Cheese

Posted: January 13th, 2004 | No Comments »

Being a member of the Swiss-List (informal group of young scientists and businesses professional living in the US with close ties to Switzerland) has countless advantages, including getting introduced to cheese cutting with lasers.

Un Fin de Año en Barcelona y Asturias

Posted: January 11th, 2004 | No Comments »

Palco en el Camp Nou, Sangría Familia, arquitectura pre-románica asturiana.

The Most Visited Web Site in Swizerland is a Portal

Posted: January 11th, 2004 | No Comments »

The most visited web site in Switzerland is no more a newspaper (was the NZZ I think), but, according to REMP, a portal called tillate. It illustrates well the current trend of social surfing.

Contribution to the TECFA Informative Art Competition

Posted: January 8th, 2004 | No Comments »

As part of the TECFA “Informative Art” competition, Patrick Jermann and I did a joint project and developped a few “arty” visualizers that show the usage and activity thru time, tools and means of the TECFASeed portal. Description, running applications, videos and screenshots are available on the our Portalvisualizer project page.

Visitar un Parque con su Móvil

Posted: December 31st, 2003 | No Comments »

El Parque de la Ciutadella en Barcelona se puede visitar con su móvil.


Posted: December 17th, 2003 | No Comments »

In my contribution to the TECFA informative art contest, I finished the first part of the implementation of my PortalVisualizer which was to gather all the data and create a valid model. I have a very basic viewer which displays contributions and interactions by historical periods within a postnuke portal. Aspects of a portal community can be visualized: its growth (with ups and downs), the roles (community leaders, outside contributors, newbies, …) and the social interactions. The goal now is to transform the viewer into an “portalart” visualizer (the John Madea way).

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Posted: December 15th, 2003 | 1 Comment »

Great Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas quotes as watched yesterday:

- As your attorney I must advise you that you’ll need a very fast car with no top and after that, the cocaine. And then the tape recorder, for special music, and some Acapulco shirts…
- Getting hold of the drugs and shirts had been no problem.. but the car and tape recorder were not easy things to round up at 6:30 on a Friday afternoon in Hollywood.
- Where’s the ether? This mescaline isn’t working.
- Did the mescaline just kick in? Or was that Debbie Reynolds in a silver Afro wig?!
- Ah, devil ether. It makes you behave like the village drunkard in some early Irish novel… total loss of all basic motor skills; blurred vision, no balance, numb tongue
- Bazooko Circus is what the whole hep world would be doing Saturday night if the Nazis had won the war. This was the Sixth Reich.