Staging the Contemporary

Posted: December 14th, 2003 | No Comments »

Night at the Toni Molkerei, Züri

Sistema Administrativo en Andalucia

Posted: December 11th, 2003 | No Comments »

Uno de mis descubrimiento este verano es el sistema administrativo en Andalucia.

L'apprentissage, Etat d'Echec Provisoir

Posted: December 11th, 2003 | No Comments »

Jean-Michel Meys au séminaire CRAFT: l’apprentissage se fait par une suite d’essais/erreurs donc d’états d’échec provisoirs.

Howard Dean and Community Tools

Posted: December 10th, 2003 | No Comments »

Howard Dean use of community tools is getting into mainstream. Howard Stern spent a good 5min this morning on the social life around the Dean campaign. He, of course, emphasised on how much it was a great opportunity to hook up with chicks (as it grew into a dating inferno) ;)

Improving the Survey Research

Posted: December 10th, 2003 | No Comments »

Polls in the media but also in research can be very missleading. In a talk at Harvard, Gary King (David Florence Professor of Government) offers help in addressing two critical problems in conducting survey research: how to measure complicated concepts and how to ensure that respondents understand the intent and meaning of the survey questions.


Posted: December 9th, 2003 | No Comments »

Le Frenglispañol est la communication post-jcvd en français con strong references to english y español

Crema Catalana y Loteria Nacional en Madrid

Posted: December 8th, 2003 | No Comments »

The Aware Home

Posted: December 3rd, 2003 | No Comments »

Reviewed by the Scout Report: The Aware Home Research Initiative (AHRI) is a project at the Georgia Institute of Technology that seeks to “create a home environment that is aware of its occupants’ whereabouts and activities.” This site describes the motivation for the initiative and outlines the goals of intelligent, context-aware systems. A large collection of research papers is presented, highlighting AHRI insights into privacy issues, design challenges, and software engineering for such technology.


Posted: December 3rd, 2003 | No Comments »

Via the Scout Report: Huminity is basically a free instant messenger program that features social network, and more interestingly, the ability to navigate animated maps of connections and the additional ability to view the links of friends between users.

San Francisco’s Swissnex is Open

Posted: December 3rd, 2003 | No Comments »

I missed the information 2-3 weeks ago, but the Swissnex in San Francisco finally opened its doors. San Francisco’s Swissnex aims to bring together people and ideas from both countries in the fields of science, technology, education and innovation.